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It's All About the Questions

Feb 10, 2020

On this episode Maura Nevel Thomas explains why attention management is more powerful than time management. Time management is over and done with. Forget it. Throw those thoughts away and focus on where you put your attention.

According to Maura, if you spend your time focusing on where you pay attention, then you can maximize your time and minimize your time to achieve your goals. By breaking free of the idea that you can manage time, you become available to focus on what is important. Maura shares questions to ask for figuring out what to pay attention to and what not to pay attention to and much more.

We also discuss how to "manage where your head is", how to stay on task by not staying on task and Maura also shares the 4 Quadrants of Attention Management from her book, Attention Management: How to Create Success and Gain Productivity Every Day.

Maura Nevel Thomas is an award-winning international speaker and trainer on individual and corporate productivity and work-life balance, and the most widely-cited authority on attention management. Her proprietary Empowered Productivity (TM) System has been embraced by the likes of the U.S. Army, L’Oreal, and Dell. She is a TEDx Speaker, founder of Regain Your Time, author of three books, and was named a Top Leadership Speaker for 2018 in Inc. Magazine.

Maura is frequently cited as an expert in major business outlets including Forbes, Fast Company, and Huffington Post, and she’s also a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, with articles there viewed over a million times. Follow her on Twitter @mnthomas.