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It's All About the Questions

Aug 12, 2015

Are you ready to be energized no matter what time zone you travel to or from? Are you tired of feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation and not in the good way?

What if you could travel with health and vitality and return home to the same?

My guest on today's show is the author of the bestselling book, The Healthy Conscious Traveler: 8 Pathways to Smart and Effortless Travel, the founder of the Self Care Revolution and a 23 year veteran doctor treating over 80,000 patients.

We discuss, how self care is not an event but a way of life and the one thing you can do starting today to begin the path to optimal health. Dr. Benson all shares the 6 items in your traveler's first aid kit to always carry when you travel.

Dr. Robyn Benson is a pioneer of the Self-Care Revolution, which aims to transform lives and healthcare, one person at a time. This mission has been fueled by lessons she's learned and the wisdom and insights she has GAINED on her transformational journey as a doctor of Oriental Medicine which includes traveling to more than 70 countries to learn from indigenous people. 

For the past 23 years, she's applied her considerable knowledge of acupuncture, herbs, IV therapies and cutting-edge energy medicine to help patients achieve optimal, radiant and sustainable health.

In 2005, Dr. Robyn founded Santa Fe Soul, an innivative healthcare center which now has a satff of 25 practioners. A mother, adventure enthusiast, world traveler, author and speaker, Dr. Robyn brings a decidely holistic approach to 21st-century medicine.