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It's All About the Questions

Jun 20, 2015

Want to write a book? Written one but no one is buying? My guest is an expert on all facets of publishing and is sharing how you can get published, sell books and monetize your words. No matter where you are at in the authoring process, listen to this show and learn from an experienced veteran of hte publishing industry.

Linda Stirling has worked with hundreds of writers, helping many achieve their dreams. Using strategies she's refined, she help author Lorena Angell take her series from 6 sales per day to 60 and establish sales in 40 countries. Linda also got Lorena’s book optioned for film and television. She’s taken many other authors to bestsellerdom within weeks, even days of publishing. 

She has taught creative writing since 1988 and has been a writer and editor for forty years. She knows writing and publishing inside out, as she co-owned a publishing company and was Executive Editor for another publishing house. Recently, she began accepting work for her new publishing house, Circle of Light Books, which she says “embraces a new paradigm in publishing." Because she accepts very few works, she teaches writers how they can either find a traditional publisher or self-publish. It's a great joy for her to teach others all about getting published, how to self-publish, and how to make money as a writer. Her latest program, Evergreen Book Machine, is open to all writers and contains the information Linda uses to get her authors to rank on the charts. You can find Evergreen Book Machine at


She often tells her students, "It doesn't matter how well you write if no one can find your books." Much of what she teaches writers includes marketing and publicity tactics that all writers need to have in their toolbox.