Dec 29, 2017
Love having Bobby Kipper back on my show. His book, Performance Driven Thinking with David Hancock, should be on everyone's must read list. It is a guidebook for how to shift your thinking and keep yourself moving forward.
I asked Bobby back on the show because you, my listeners, told me how much you got out of his previous visit to the show and because I needed a boost from Bobby to help me shift forward after my mom's passing. His advice to me on the show, "give the ocean waves my problems and grief and let them take the pain in the moment away", has helped me tremendously since the show aired on December 19th.
2018 is a new year and a new opportunity to start each day with passion and purpose and an embrace of all of who we are. Take a listen as Bobby shares some strategies you can use right now and every day to help you focus, gain awareness of thoughts that are holding you back and how you can make change happen.
Bobby Kipper is a best-selling author, speaker, and coach and the co-founder of Performance Driven Thinking™. He has spent over thirty years providing leadership development, training, and coaching to both the government and private sectors.
Bobby believes that we were “born to perform” and his motivational style of speaking and coaching has taken thousands to their best performance to date.
In addition, Bobby is the Director of the National Center for the Prevention of Community Violence and is passionate about the quality of life and human rights issues for all Americans. His programs to prevent and reduce violence have been featured by the White House, Congress, and thirty-five states across America.