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It's All About the Questions

Jul 15, 2018

What happens when a calling leads you down paths you never expected including writing a book with Wayne Dyer, after he has died, and a multitude of other greater minds and beings from above? Well one thing that happens is a great episode of a radio show and a really profound book.

I was introduced to Karen Noe by a former guest and dear friend Jackie Lapin. I was intrigued to interview an medium. I have felt my mom multiple times she she passed and have beliefs as to what happens to someone when they leave their earthly bodies but to speak to someone who has, time-after-time, been proven to have access to those who have passed beyond was an opportunity I could not pass up.

On this episode we discuss how Karen realized she was a medium, her battle with Imposter Syndrome that almost could have derailed her path in the world and what WE Consciousness brings the world to help us achieve inner and outer peace. Karen also shares some techniques you can begin using right away to connect to your own inner and outer peace.

Karen Noé is a renowned New Jersey psychic medium with a two-year waiting list.

She is the Hay House author of We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer PeaceYour Life After Their Death: A Medium’s Guide to Healing After a Loss and Through the Eyes of Another: A Medium’s Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering your Life Review Now. 
