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It's All About the Questions

Oct 25, 2018

Did you know that if each woman in America spent $20/month at a woman owned business that would put $37.7 billion into the hands of women-owned business? That amount is more than all the venture capital given to women-owned businesses in 2017. Crazy isn't it?!

My guest is making it easier for you to spend that...

Oct 17, 2018

Live in the now. Be present. Don't borrow worry from tomorrow. Don't dwell in the past. We've heard those phrases over and over for most of our lives. Easy to say . Not so easy to always do.

Our reactions to the way ideas are presented can vary by who we hear them from and even when we hear them. When Kevin Murphy...

Oct 11, 2018

10-2-18 episode

Most of us want to have a legacy and be known for something that lasts beyond physical lives. Yet in this day and age of social media, viral videos, short attention spans and continual distractions, how do we insure that we are living our something consistently? How do we define and track what we are...

Oct 3, 2018

9/25/18 show - Books have been a part of my life from way before I could read. I love reading so much I even walked out of school in first grade because I thought they weren't going to teach me how to read.  You'll have to read my book for the details though. Today I want to focus on my guest and how she is helping...