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It's All About the Questions

Jul 14, 2020

Jay McBain is considered one of the top analysts and futurists. His work predicating trends and needs has been considered critical to many in the tech world. Even he is seeing accelerated change in the world of business from the predictions he made several years ago. The pandemic accelerated the way we transact business from both sides of the table.

On this episode Jay and I talk about the keys to a a business that can grow, think customer obsessive. We also discuss how the shift from indirect buying, think cars at dealerships, to direct buying, think Netflix and Casper mattresses, is fueling the current and future economies.

Jay also shares how your business can start looking into your future right now using a process called journey mapping.

Jay leads Forrester's research and advisory for global channels, alliances, and partnerships. He focuses on B2B marketing in the age of the customer; understanding and navigating the complexity of multiple routes to market; ensuring contextual and relevant content to accelerate the indirect sales process; and describing the technology infrastructure to build and support channel relationships.

His background is in channel leadership, sales, marketing, and operations, with a specific emphasis on indirect sales strategy/execution, covering multiple industries, segments, and underlying technologies. Jay is renowned for his industry thought leadership and expertise in partner recruitment, development, and acceleration through effective partner coverage, enablement, communication, and incentives. He is an expert in building and leveraging channel communities and one of the global leaders in social media, partner marketing automation, and other indirect growth strategies.

Jay provides research, advisory, and consulting to companies ranging from Fortune 100 vendors to startups on the entire scope of their channel and alliance strategies. He is a contributing author and has been cited in numerous channel media publications, including Channel Reseller News (CRN), ChannelPro, ChannelE2E, The VAR Guy, MSPMentor, Channelnomics, Computer Dealer News (CDN), Australia Reseller News (ARN), eChannelNews, Business Solutions Magazine, ChannelLine, ChannelInsider, SearchITChannel, Redmond Channel Magazine, Vertical Systems Reseller, Channel Buzz, and SMB Nation. He also maintains a popular blog on channel trends.

Jay is based in Florida but advises vendors, distributors, and partners around the world.