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It's All About the Questions

Sep 2, 2021

Becoming a Navy SEAL is hard enough but then becoming a SEAL Sniper and then SEAL Sniper instructor and then being asked to revamp SEAL Sniper training is not something many have on their resumes. Add NY Times Bestselling author, entrepreneur, military advisor, father, pilot, philanthropist and several other things to the list and you have an exciting repeat guest to my show.

Brandon Webb recently took a detour from his prolific non-fiction writing and wrote his first fiction novel, Steel Fear. Picture this, serial killer, aircraft carrier at sea... I devoured it in one sitting.

We talked about writing differences between non-fiction and fiction, where the premise for the book came from, his travels during COVID with his son and why his son is going to college in Europe versus the USA.

And, because I rarely get to speak to someone of Brandon's level when it comes to world events, we also talk about Afghanistan from the perspective of someone who has served there and still is informed.