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It's All About the Questions

Jun 3, 2021

Jennifer Pestikas has lived her life choosing courage and overcoming self doubt to build an amazing career leading others/ Along the way she realized that becoming friends with yourself is one of the best things you can do.

On this episode we talk about self-compassion, how Jennifer is making new boxes to reframe her life and how you can too. She also shares several powerful questions you can ask to thrive no matter your situation.

Jen Pestikas has always been a type-A super achiever. She was the one who got straight A’s in school and was devastated when she got a B. Jen was the one who held herself to such high standards and needed to check all of the boxes in life. After she grew up, that super achieving nature followed her to her career in the corporate world.

After 20 years in corporate, climbing the ladder in financial services from a bank teller to a Senior Vice President and doing “all the right things”, Jen’s health took a turn for the worse in 2019 and she ended in total burnout. After years of striving, she felt like an empty shell – without passion and direction in her career and life.

While the time of healing that followed was so hard, it was also a gift. It made Jen look at herself and realize she didn’t need to be perfect. She could let herself off the hook from checking all those boxes and not try to be a super woman. Jen finally understood what she wanted for the first time in her life. And what she wanted was to give back to women so they could avoid the same traps of striving, perfectionism and not speaking their truth.

Jen currently runs the Brave Women at Work podcast and maintains the