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It's All About the Questions

Jul 28, 2020

Current work from home is different than what working from home or remote working meant before Covid, yet few seem to be thinking about what that means or planning for the marathon that we are in.

No longer a sprint that we can just do a patch fix for, the new normal everyone has been talking is now the normal. Whether...

Jul 28, 2020

Whether you want to write a book or just want to learn how to tell your story of your business or your life, this episode offers insights from a top editor and brand specialist. Telling your story, or think of it as getting to the heart of your message, is a critical component to create a thriving business.


Jul 14, 2020

Jay McBain is considered one of the top analysts and futurists. His work predicating trends and needs has been considered critical to many in the tech world. Even he is seeing accelerated change in the world of business from the predictions he made several years ago. The pandemic accelerated the way we transact business...

Jul 9, 2020

Today we are talking about money. You, your relationship to money and your beliefs about money.

Leisa Peterson has been talking about wealth creation for close to three decades. What she has learned could fill a book and it has. She is releasing her ground breaking book called The Mindful Millionaire and it is...

Jul 7, 2020

Different than mental resiliency, mental endurance can make success happen or not. Olympic athletes win sometimes by 1/100 of a second. They rebound from what could be catastrophic and career ending injuries to come back and win Gold. Top athletes seem to be able to tune out mind chatter and keep their focus on the end...