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It's All About the Questions

Aug 7, 2019

We've all had those curve balls thrown at us in our lives and our businesses. You know, the ones that seem to come out of left field that disrupt our plans for our lives and the course of our business. Why do some people seem to be able to get right back on track and others seem to never recover?

My guest today has had several major life disruptions and for awhile there they came one right after another. She lost her husband and co-founder of their business who was her best friend, confidant and father to her son. Two months before he passed away a fire destroyed a critical part of their business that cost $250,000 to replace and there is more to tell.

During this interview, Kim M. Becker shares how we each need to find our own safe person to share the real gritty stuff with, and we are not talking social media here. She also shares real word advice for how she has kept the faith, created new rituals and traditions while honoring the old, let her son see her cry and let her staff and clients know that even though Michael is now watching from Heaven that the work they are doing with Hello Gorgeous will carry on.

Kim Becker is a motivational and inspirational speaker and an award-winning author of two books about beauty, cancer and the amazing scope of the human spirit.  Kim is a dynamic communicator with an incredible story of faith, hope and service to others, and the founder of Hello Gorgeous! of HOPE, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides Red-Carpet Experiences for women battling all cancers across the United States, 

Kim has been a business owner and national educator for more than 30 years.  Through her many experiences in the for-profit and non-profit business worlds, Kim has become a business woman, fundraiser, event planner, educator, public speaker, author, podcast host and the face of Hello Gorgeous!  Kim received the Mom`s Choice Award for her first book, “Hello Gorgeous!: A Journey of Faith, Love and Hope”. Kim received the 2011 Spirit of Women award, an American Cancer Society 2014 Coaches Verses Cancer Inspirational Award, she received the prestigious George H. W. Bush, Points of Light award in 2015 and in 2019 Kim received the Shero Award from Zeta Phi Beta Society. Contact Kim at Hello Gorgeous!