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It's All About the Questions

Nov 1, 2018

What would you do if you were told you should be dead already because of the rare heart condition you never knew you had that reared its head and went undiagnosed for over eleven months?

Well my guest chose to create a business raising awareness through handbags, of the #1 killer of women in the world, heart disease. Did you know 1 in 3 women die from heart disease that is 80% preventable versus 1 in 30? Do you know the signs can be different for women than in men? Do you know the signs?

Would you be able to start a business and an international movement and foundation to help women get medication and treatment after being told you might not live very long?

Elizabeth Scovil ( is my guest on this episode. Listen as she shares a story of persistence, love, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, passion and purpose.

If you are a woman, or have some women in your life you love, this is a must listen to episode.