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It's All About the Questions

Jul 9, 2015

Are you planning for your physical future? Are you even thinking about your physical present? Do you consider exercise a giving back to your body or like me think of it as something that must be done or should be done and you don’t get what everyone says about exercise and endorphins?

My guest today realized her physical present was not going to work for her future so she began looking at how she could not only plan her fiscal future but her physical future so she could enjoy retirement. Those questions she began asking herself developed into Fitness After Forty Five™ and the Bod Spir program.

Learn what she was asking and what you need to be thinking about.

If you want to enjoy the fruits of all you are building today and not be a burden on your family, friends or retirement fund, you will want to listen to this episode of It’s All About the Questions.

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Elizabeth Phinney is a Certified Personal Trainer with the American Council on Exercise.  She is an affiliate of The American College of Sports Medicine and has been named Top Female Executive with Worldwide Who’s Who and VIP of the year in Health and Fitness for 2013 and 2014.  In 2013 she co-authored The Expert Success Solution, an Amazon #1 International Best Seller.

Elizabeth’s passion is Fitness After Forty Five™ and her mission is to inspire people to plan their Physical Retirement as they plan their Fiscal Retirement. Her caring and compassionate fitness advice is individually customized through workshops, consulting and speaking and her positive instructive manner motivates all to succeed in controlling their own aging. 

Since 2000, she has helped hundreds of people get stronger, more flexible, and healthier; and, she has helped many slow down, stop and, reverse aging issues that they had been plagued with for years.

Her flagship product is BodSpir®, a meditative strength training technique she created and has taught thousands of times in her classes and one-on-one private training.  Other programs include the F.I.T. Workshop™ (Fitness Inspiration Transformation) and Your Personal BodSpir Program™ (Consultation, Assessment, Evaluation and Recommendation.)